Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Video of Charles Boeckman and Talmage Powell Discussing the Pulps

What we have here folks is authentic history, a video of Charles Boeckman and Talmage Powell sitting in Powell's back yard in Asheville, North Carolina, around 1995 and discussing pulp magazines, digests, paperbacks, writing, and writers.  The video was shot by Patti Boeckman, and Bill Pronzini was kind enough to let me have a look at it and upload it to YouTube.  It's about 22 minutes long, and while the video's not great, the audio's clear enough.  


Rick Ollerman said...

Cool stuff. Wish there were more. A lot more.

mybillcrider said...

Yeah, at least a couple of hours.

Todd Mason said...

They don't quite remember Ejler Jakobsson's name, but they all called him Jake back when...and the Scott Meredith Literary Agency pseudonym St. Cloud is recalled at MANHUNT.

During the HSD Publications years, AHMM editors sure seemed nearly invisible from the reader's perspective.

Great stuff.